Executive Presentation Coaching

Executive Presentation Coaching Engagement

There are many opportunities to communicate information in a way that not only informs but also calls people to action. It could be an important meeting, a high stakes presentation, communicating a new initiative or just the daily one on one communication situations we all face. Whatever the situation, it is essential that you prepare, practice and get feedback if you want the message to have an impact on your listeners.

As a business executive, it is imperative that you use your communication skills to motivate, influence and inspire others to action.

Leadership is more than a title or position within an organization. Leadership is about influencing and inspiring people through effective communication and presentation skills.

As with all Comm Skills Group engagements we utilize extensive video feedback and practical role play exercises to facilitate successful behavior change and effectiveness. Our executive consultant will work with you on a specific communication situation or presentation so that you will be prepared and comfortable when that day arrives.

Our focus is on identifying your authentic style and working with you to enhance that style to eliminate distractions. Improving your Content Organization, Delivery Skills, Interaction with Your Listeners, and creating an inspirational Mindset prepares you to achieve peak performance in presentations and high stakes communications. Executive Presentation Coaching can be instrumental in refining these skills and ensuring your message resonates effectively.

In your executive presenation coaching engagement, you will learn how to:

  • Craft Powerful Stories
  • Develop Confident Delivery Skills
  • Create Dynamic Content “The Communication Planner”
  • Construct Engaging Visual Aids
  • Influence and Inspire Your Listener
  • Project Brand Presence
  • Handle Challenging Questions
  • Cultivate a Confident Mindset
  • Identify and Enhance Your Natural Style

Engagement Options:

3 or 6 months


Improvisational Techniques & Exercises

Reviewing Confident Behavior Skills

Impromptu Practices

Organizing Content: The “MindMap” Templates

Role-Play Scenarios

The Power of the Pause

Extemporaneous Exercises

Action Plan for Skill Reinforcement


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