Press & Media Preparation
Many people think they will “just wing it” when the reporter calls or they must deal with the press in some manner, but this is generally a mistake. The reason: you aren’t talking to just the reporter, you are talking to the thousands of readers and viewers the reporter represents, and to clients and referral sources.
Whether it’s a controversial news situation, dealing with a technical matter, issuing a press release, being in an interview with a reporter, responding to a crisis, positioning a new product or handling PR Statements, how you deal with the press and media is critical. It should be an integral part of your professional development. When dealing with the press the consequences can be devastating if you don’t know what you are doing. But when handled skillfully the rewards are incomparable in determining how you and your organization are perceived. Remember: Perception is reality.
Press & Media Preparation is a specific coaching designed to help you present yourself and your company in the best possible light when dealing with the Press and Media. You will learn specific skills and techniques that can turn a crisis into an opportunity. Be prepared.
- Behavioral Skills to Create Confidence and Credibility
- How To Establish Trust With the Press
- What to Do When A Reporter Calls
- Special Tips for Television Interviews
- The Realities of Dealing with the Press
- Ground Rules for Dealing with the Press
- 9 Rules of Crisis Communication
- How To Handle Difficult Questions
- Simple MindMap Templates for Impromptu Speaking
- How to Position Your Message
- How to Keep to 3 Talking Points
- The Do’s and Don’ts
- To Respond Quickly
- To Be Personable
- To Make It About Them
- To Be Brief: Less is More