During this unprecedented global crisis, the CommSkills Group offers this Quick Reference Checklist for planning and managing effective virtual meetings. It is so important that we remain engaged and connected to one another in this time of crisis in order to maintain our relationships and create a sense of normalcy:
- Remove distractions from your desk, room and remote environment.
- Always insist that Video be on.
- Check the background of your video and ensure there’s nothing distracting or inappropriate in view of the camera.
- Ensure the lighting is sufficient so that your face can be seen.
- Provide an agenda (Rule of 3).
Be Transparent
- Share clear intentions.
- Be concise.
- Breathe and pause for pace and cadence, and to provide space for the listener.
- Ask questions to remain involved and illicit team interaction.
- Tell participants that you will be asking for their input and ideas.
- Listen, really listen to each speaker or presenter.
- Remember that eye contact with the camera will allow you to maintain eye contact with your team members and other participants.
- Smile, gesture, lean in.
Follow Up
- Consider breakout meetings or follow up virtual meetings with smaller groups within the larger team.
To further support you, the CommSkills Group has new Distance Learning and Digital Coaching expertise and services that we offer. Check out the website for more details and contact Terry Ward for additional information or support.